Small post, small functions :-) Can be helpful for somebody someday.
htmlEntities, Array_search and strip_tags to Java Script (like PHP functions htmlEntities, array_search and strip_tags).
htmlEntities in Javascript
Sometimes you need convert all applicable characters to HTML entities, also in javascript. Very common use while working with Ajax.
A small diference of this function to php original function is the parameters and that, in this function, i change the original char to numeric entitie.
Example: in PHP htmlEntities, 'ã' will turn ã
In this function will turn ä
In both cases you will see 'ã' on browser. This can be very useful in Latin languages
function htmlEntities(texto){ //by Micox - - var i,carac,letra,novo=''; for(i=0;i<texto.length;i++){ carac = texto[i].charCodeAt(0); if( (carac > 47 && carac < 58) || (carac > 62 && carac < 127) ){ //se for numero ou letra normal novo += texto[i]; }else{ novo += "&#" + carac + ";"; } } return novo; }
document.getElementById('div_teste').innerHTML = htmlEntities('coração melão');
array_search in Javascript
Now array_search to javascript.
Searches the array for a given value and returns the corresponding key if successful.
function array_search(needle,haystack){ //by Micox - - //ve se determinado valor existe no array e retorna sua chave for(var i in haystack){ if(haystack[i]==needle){return i;} } return false; }
var where_is_pamela = array_search('pamela anderson', arr_hot_girls);
Strip tags in javascript
Continuing with strip_tags to javascript. This function is based in this post.
Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string;
function strip_tags($text){ return $text.replace(/<\/?[^>]+>/gi, ''); }
Simple functions that can be useful someday. Thanks. Bye.
Thank you, Thank you. I just used your strip tags function.
ReplyDeleteReferring to your html_entities function...I think it'be better to write it like I do:
ReplyDeletefunction(cadena) {
var caracter = "";
var cadenaProcesada = "";
for(var i=0; i < cadena.length; i++)
caracter = cadena.charCodeAt(i);
if( (caracter > 47 && caracter < 58) || (caracter > 62 && caracter < 127) )
cadenaProcesada += cadena[i];
cadenaProcesada += "&#" + caracter + ";";
return cadenaProcesada;
HOU ié.
ReplyDeleteThanks tubal martin.
function html_entity_decode(s) {
ReplyDelete//with prototype
return new Element('textarea').update(s).innerHTML.replace('&','&');